The Lambda Solutions eLearning Blog

3 Ways to Use Video in Moodle™

Written by Lambda Solutions | Mar 15, 2016

One of the greatest benefits of eLearning, is the ability to incorporate multimedia like audio, and video. Currently, video accounts for 47% of global internet traffic. This year, this number is expected to reach 86%.  Video is one of the most effective ways to keep students engaged and interested in the learning material, and can be used to provide students with lectures they missed, or to deliver learning videos (Eg. “How to”). There are numerous ways to use video in your Moodle or Totara courses. We’ll show you how to prepare your Moodle site to use multimedia, and then demonstrate three simple ways you can add video to your learning environment.


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First Step: Turn on the Multimedia Plugins Filter for Moodle

You can make life easier for teachers, trainers and learners by enabling the Multimedia plugins filter for Moodle and Totara. When turned on, the multimedia filter transforms a link that points to a multimedia resource, and replaces it with the appropriate multimedia player. For example, a teacher may place an MP3 file as a resource in a course, or have a URL link to an external MP3 file. When the MP3 plugin is turned on, students will be able to play video files from within their Moodle interface.

Watch a short video showing how to turn the Multimedia Plugin on.


1. YouTube

YouTube is the most common way people upload and share video on the web. Because of this, nearly anyone with a mobile device can record and simply upload video. Conversely, videos hosted on YouTube play on all major web browsers and mobile devices. When using video in your training and learning environment, YouTube offers a simple solution. However, YouTube videos are public, and even if you have them “unlisted,” anyone with the URL can share them. If you they contain sensitive or propriety information, YouTube may not be the best choice to use video in your learning environment.

Watch this 5-minute video showing how to embed a YouTube video into a course with the multimedia filter.



2. Use the PoodLL Plugin

PoodLL is one of the most commonly added free plugins to Moodle and Totara. It allows you to record, store and add video and audio to your courses. You can use the PoodLL repository to add multimedia to common activities and resources such as pages and forums, or use one of the dozen of special PoodLL resource types available. PoodLL hosts its multimedia on a Red5 server in Tokyo, which may not allow quick access for North American users, but you could setup your own Red5 server to improve load times.


3. Try a Cloud-based Video Management Platform

Cloud-based video solutions provide ease of use and increased privacy and security. One such solution, MediaCore is a cloud-based video hosting and management platform that helps you curate and share media. Mediacore offers optional Canadian hosting to address privacy and intellectual property concerns. With a Mediacore plug-in, you can upload video directly from your computer, or from their hosted library to embed into the LMS.

View a 2-minute video demonstrating how to add video to courses with MediaCore.

Learn More

We've put together a Complete Moodle User Guide (Chapter 3 on Advanced Features), where we cover the most useful advanced features in Moodle, all of which you can use in achieving common business objectives, and increasing learner engagement. Features include multimedia, communication, gamification, mobile learning, and badges in Moodle. 

And if you want even more  practical how-to resources for your Moodle LMS, we’ve got you covered: