Report Focus-1


Zoola Report Focus: Course Views

August 9, 2019 | 2 Min Read

To learn more about this report, watch our Lambda Lab: Measure and Improve Course Engagement With Zoola Analytics

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Lambda Solutions

The success of any eLearning program rests on how engaging it is for learners.  Are learners going into their courses? Are they clicking on all those activities you spent so much time creating?  If the answer is yes, great! If the answer is no, then you might want to make some changes. But how do you know?

A lot of our clients have requested reports to show the number of times a course has been viewed, usually so they can share that information with stakeholders.  

Here’s a quick 8-step process to build a report to show the number of times a course has been viewed:

  1. Go to Ad Hoc Views>Create New
  2. Select the Totara/Moodle Log Lite Data Source
  3. Choose a Crosstab format
  4. Add Course to rows and Log Entry ID to Columns
  5. Change the Summary Calculation of Log Entry ID to Count All
    3. Count All
  6. Filter Course to not include NULL or the name of your site*
    4. Course Filter
  7. Filter Log>Action to “viewed”
    5. Action Viewed
  8. Filter Log>Target to “course” (or “module” if you are looking for activities viewed)
    6. Target Course


*NULL is any action not taken against a course, and the name of your site comes up as a course, you can find that here: 

7. Site Name



You can also show the top ten courses or the bottom 10 courses by right-clicking on Log Entry ID and selecting either Filter Top N Values or Bottom N Values

8. N Values

To learn more about this report, watch our Lambda Lab: Measure and Improve Course Engagement With Zoola Analytics

Watch Now!


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