The Lambda Solutions eLearning Blog

Ways eLearning Is Benefitting Working Parents

Written by Lambda Solutions | Sep 9, 2021

Going to work for 40 or more hours per week is taxing, especially for those who have children. Being away from your children for that long is stressful, especially if they are in school all day. If you’ve decided to go back to school full-time on top of working full-time or to obtain additional certifications, eLearning can help you balance work, school, and home life without being away from your family for too long. eLearning can also help parents advance their careers through professional and talent development and other means.


The Ability to Have a More Flexible Schedule

One of the biggest advantages of eLearning for working parents is that it allows you to have a more flexible schedule. As more and more employers become sympathetic to having a life outside of work, going back to school can still present challenges when fitting it into your already busy schedule. 

eLearning allows you to work at your own pace, schedule classes based on your availability, and allow for work to be completed when time permits. The majority of online classes are asynchronous, which means you do not have to be logged on at specific times with the teachers and other students.

Parents enrolled in online learning courses can study and learn on their own time. That might be in the morning after the kids head off to school, while the baby is taking a nap, or after the kids go to bed at night.

Continue to Learn Without Sacrificing Your Income

Having children comes with a lot of responsibility, one of which is earning a living to support them. Not everyone has the luxury of stopping work to go back to school to earn a degree, earn a higher degree, or obtain certifications required to work in specific professions. With eLearning, you don’t have to stop working to broaden your horizons.

Need more motivation to continue the education? Here is an interesting read for you: Destroy Disengaged Learning.

No Time Spent Traveling

In what is likely an already busy life, you don’t have to waste more of your precious and limited time traveling when you are enrolled in eLearning courses. You simply need a computer, a power cord, the internet, and a comfortable place to work and you can log into your online classes. The only time you will spend traveling is returning home from work to prepare for the online course you wish to complete.

Families Can Learn Together

If 2020 taught us anything, it’s that families can adjust on the fly when it comes to educating children. The same can be said for adults. Even if your children are homeschooled or are on a remote learning schedule with their traditional school, your family can learn together. There’s nothing wrong with setting up a classroom at the kitchen table and having you and your children all attending online classes together at the same time. Just make sure everyone has headphones so no one is disrupting everyone else. This provides you with more time spent with your family, especially if you are often outside the home working.

How to Get the Most Out of eLearning

To get the most out of your eLearning experience, be sure to go the following:

  • Create a weekly schedule to stay on top of your classes, coursework, and tests
  • Create a dedicated space in your home where you can study
  • Make sure your children know when you are logged into your courses
  • Find other adults and parents who are enrolled in eLearning courses for support
  • Have a financial plan to pay for online courses
  • Create family study hours so everyone can complete work together, which also sets a good example for your children

How eLearning Can Advance Your Career

eLearning not only helps you balance everything that goes on in your life, but it can also help advance your career. You can advance your career by taking online courses because of the following:

  • You can switch career paths, such as studying social work to move from school counselor to school psychologist
  • It can help you qualify for a raise or a promotion
  • If you’ve been out of the workforce, it can help you re-enter with ease
  • You can keep your professional skills up-to-date


Learning can be fun at any age. Here is a webinar for those who want to make employee training and skill upgrading more exciting with interactive learning.

How to Pick the Right Online Course

Since you know the benefits of eLearning, it’s time to explain how to pick the right online course for your current situation. Be sure to do the following:

  • Examine the structure of the courses available
  • Find out the methods of communication available
  • Determine how support is handled if you run into technical difficulties
  • Be sure that you can interact with the professor and other students enrolled in the class

Take the Plunge Into eLearning

Now that you have a better understanding of all that eLearning can offer parents with children, it’s important to take the plunge. If you’ve been considering enrolling in online courses, now is the time to jump at the chance. With companies encouraging employees not only to work from home but also advance their careers, eLearning can put your career advancement on the right track.



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