Have you ever had the experience of spending a long time building out a course or activity only to have it flop? I have, and it hurts. And that's why we're starting 2020 with a Lean state of mind.
We want to help you build successful courses that your students love AND save you time! Doesn't that sound great? We're starting the new year helping you be more innovative, make the best use of your team's time, and be more successful by applying the principles of Lean Methodology to your L&D team. We'll look at how to sync with your organization's mission to ensure that your efforts are aligned, then we'll focus on incorporating the Build, Measure, Learn loop so that you are providing the right learning in an ever-changing environment.
This session is ideal for L&D Managers, LMS Administrators and Content Creators, as we'll be helping you understand....
- The importance of syncing your efforts with your organisation's mission.
- How to apply Lean Methodology to your L&D Team
- How to apply Lean Analytics to your L&D Team
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At Lambda Solutions, Erin works closely with clients from the first login to launch, ensuring that they have maximized the features in their LMS for business success. She is passionate about providing inspired learning, finding the best solutions for your LMS configuration needs, and, most importantly, seeing clients succeed