The Lambda Solutions eLearning Blog

The Benefit of Online Learning for Adults Going Back to School

Written by Lambda Solutions | Mar 31, 2022

The concept of online learning isn’t necessarily anything new. But, the pandemic caused a major rise in its popularity as most schools and organizations across the country transitioned to remote learning in 2020

The area of continuing education can gain huge benefits with online course platforms as they allow them to create, and sell courses online easily.

For kids, online learning has plenty of pros and cons. Children need socialization and may not always have the attention span needed to focus in a virtual classroom. But, the benefits of eLearning are much greater for adults who want to go back to school. 

One of the biggest benefits is flexibility. If you’re someone with a full-time job, a family to take care of, and you’re on a limited budget, you might not have the time or resources to sign up for in-person classes. 

But, flexibility isn’t the only benefit. If you’ve been on the fence about going back to school, now could be a perfect time to make the leap and utilize eLearning to your advantage

Still not convinced? Let’s cover a few additional benefits, and why you might want to consider furthering your education in the first place. 


Create and sell courses to adults who want to upgrade, update, and expand their knowledge and skills with a course platform designed to support learning business.


Why Should You Go Back to School?

One survey found that 60% of adults have considered furthering their education at some point in their lives. But, there are barriers that tend to get in the way, including: 

  • The financial burden of collegiate courses
  • Full-time careers
  • Family
  • Travel time and expense


While online learning helps with many of those issues, we’ll dive into that in a bit. First, you need to decide if you truly want to further your education. Whether you took time off to start a family, want a different career path, or never went to school initially and want to prove something to yourself, finding the right motivation is important. 

Many online schools even have resources that are designed for people with learning disabilities or neurodivergent traits, like whiteboard software and other collaboration tools. If those issues caused you to stray from school years ago, they shouldn’t keep you from getting the education you deserve now. 

If you’ve made up your mind about going back, no matter which subject you’re interested in, eLearning can make it easier to deal with some of those barriers listed above. The first step is dedicating yourself to an online program. Once you’re ready to do that, you’ll quickly be able to see how many benefits there are. 

Flexibility and Important Skills

Online school is always going to be more flexible than going in person for several reasons. 

First, you don’t have to waste time driving back and forth to a physical campus. That means you won’t get stuck in a traffic jam on your way to class, and if you live in a rural area, you won’t have to leave an hour ahead of time just to make it to school. You can log on from anywhere in a matter of minutes. 

Second, eLearning often allows you to create your own class schedule. That makes it easy to balance everything from your home life to your work schedule without having to miss out on anything. 

Speaking of your work schedule, you can also take advantage of sharpening your skills with eLearning. Not everyone who goes back to school as an adult wants to change career paths. Maybe you just want to get better in your current career or try to move up the ladder. You can choose a program that teaches practical skills, whether you want to gain more knowledge in your current field or learn something new that you’ll be able to apply right away. 

With practicality and flexibility combined, you’ll get the most out of your eLearning schedule without feeling overwhelmed or stressed about balancing everything else in your life. 

Less of a Financial Burden

The average cost of public college in the U.S. is over $25,000 for in-state students. That doesn’t include room and board, though you may not need that anyway if you already have a job and a home. 

The good news? Most eLearning opportunities don’t cost anywhere near that amount. Basic eLearning courses cost around $8,000. If you go through a university, that number could differ based on their individual tuition costs and availability. However, it’s not just the tuition itself you’ll save money on. Taking online courses can help you to save by: 

  • Eliminating the need for transportation
  • Having to purchase fewer materials
  • Not having to pay for meals outside of the home
  • No need to pay for recreational services you wouldn’t use


It’s not uncommon for adults to want to go back to school to earn a degree that can help them make more money. So, if you’re already on a budget, eLearning is a fantastic way to keep your costs low while you work toward your goals. 

Now that you’ve heard about some of the benefits, don’t be afraid to take advantage of them. If you’re truly interested in furthering your education for any reason but things have held you back in the past, online learning can help you to overcome nearly every hurdle so you can get the education you deserve.