The Lambda Solutions eLearning Blog

How to build your eCommerce solution with Lambda Suite

Written by Erin Melvin | Jun 7, 2020

Adopting a new technology can be exciting--and challenging!  A big part of that challenge comes from the learning curve the implementation team can face when getting started. Meeting that challenge with the right resources is one of the best ways to keep your team engaged and on track with the implementation project.

To help with the setup of your eCommerce solution, we are pleased to announce our latest version of our Lambda Store Fundamentals course.  This course is designed to stand alone as a resource and to complement the work you’ll do with our Implementation Specialists. 

This course covers the main requirements of setting up your Store:

  • Syncing courses to your Store
  • Adding additional products to your Store, i.e., Books
  • How to set up promotions with special pricing and discount codes
  • How to add images and videos to your product to help entice customers
  • How to build a positive customer experience with newsletters, emails, reviews, and wishlists
  • How to setup sub-companies so your partners can manage their own users

The course is set up for you to easily find the resources you need.  Each section is based on a need and each tutorial has examples and lots of screenshots for visual learners.  

Contact us if you want to learn more about the Lambda Suite or our new Lambda Store Fundamentals course.
