The Lambda Solutions eLearning Blog

5 Signs an LMS Vendor Delivers an Outstanding Customer Experience

Written by Lambda Solutions | Jun 4, 2019

- 4 MIN READ - 

What sets a learning management system (LMS) provider apart from other vendors? Too many organizations overlook customer service and experience when selecting a vendor.

If you are thinking about implementing an LMS, choose a vendor who will help you succeed by assisting you to select the right LMS and configuring it according to your unique needs. Tech support and learning resources are other elements that will ensure your success.

How do organizations choose the right LMS? According to Capterra, functionality is a determining factor in 53% of cases. Price comes next with 32% of buyers basing their decision on this factor. Support is mentioned in only 5% of cases.

Functionality and pricing are important factors to consider, but customer experience is something that most buyers seem to overlook based on these statistics. Your experience and the relationship with your vendor is crucial since these factors will directly impact the success of your Learning and Development program.

We believe these five factors are the key to choosing a vendor who delivers a great experience and helps you achieve your goals.

1. Selecting the Right LMS

Totara Learn and Moodle are among the most popular open-source LMS platforms, but there are some significant differences between these two platforms. There are some differences in terms of hierarchies, how you manage users and content, customization and reporting features and more.

A vendor who offers an outstanding experience will start the onboarding process by assessing your needs and goals so it can recommend the solution that makes the most sense for you. Look for a vendor who offers demos of different products and who explains the pros and cons in a way that is accessible and relevant to your goals.

For a comprehensive list of features and factors to consider when deciding on which LMS is right for your organization, check out our eBook:

An LMS Buyer's Guide: Top 7 Must-Have LMS Features

2. Implementation and Configuration

You need to fine-tune an LMS to get the most out of this tool. Learning management systems are designed to be flexible solutions that adapt to the unique learning environment and goals of each organization.

You can configure your LMS by creating a hierarchy and user groups, assigning permissions, designing unique learning experiences and setting reporting preferences.

Ideally, your LMS vendor should work closely with you during the implementation process, listen to your feedback and create a configuration adapted to your needs.

Close support with your vendor can lead to some incredible additional benefits. See how we helped one of world’s largest online training organizations Increase Online Revenues and Learner Engagement in our Case Study with Sandler Training.

3. Tech Support

Having access to quality tech support is a huge part of a quality customer experience. Your vendor should be easy to get in touch with.

Offering support via different channels, assisting employees as they set up their account for the first time and providing support and training to administrators are signs that a vendor is dedicated to offering quality tech support.

4. Learning Resources

You will get more out of your LMS if your vendor offers a comprehensive knowledgebase. Here are some topics the knowledgebase should cover:

  • Guides to help you navigate the different features of your accounts
  • Resources for administrators covering topics such as assigning learning content
  • Guides geared toward educators to assist them as they develop new content
  • Troubleshooting tools
  • Resources designed to help you get more out of analytics and reporting tools

Lambda Solutions provides such resources absolutely free, including The Complete Totara Learn User Guide and The Complete Moodle User Guide, as well as dozens of on-demand webinars to show you how to get the most from your eLearning initiatives.

5. Your Success as a Goal

Choosing an LMS or any other IT product is much more than a simple purchase. You need to look for a vendor who will become a long-term partner so you can work on a common goal.

A vendor can ensure your success by providing these services:

  • Transparent and flexible billing structure
  • Transparency about security and data privacy
  • Ongoing communication, if possible with the same person or team
  • Goal assessment process
  • Regular reviews of performance and suggestions to help you improve
  • Possibility to upgrade or change your LMS configuration as needed


Lambda Solutions has built its business model around offering outstanding customer service and experience. Our product demos, extensive online resources and team of experts are here to ensure the success of your L&D program.

Whether you need a new Learning Management System,  are looking to optimize your Moodle LMS and eLearning programs with learning analytics, or need any other eLearning solutions, we have the expertise to help you reach your goals.

Contact us today, we’d love to help you create a better way to learn!