Case Study

[UPDATED] iMedX Creates Customized Reporting And User Insights With Lambda Learn

Written by admin | Jul 22, 2019 1:48:51 PM


  • Customer’s Business: Medical transcription and coding services 
  • Opportunity: iMedX was spending hundreds of man-hours each year monitoring exam completions and struggling with reporting. 
  • Solution: Lambda Learn LMS and Lambda Support 
  • Results: Time savings of hundreds of hours, improved training and business outcomes, better user experience, and deeper reporting insights.

About iMedX

iMedX is an integrated medical document management and health information solutions company based in Atlanta, Georgia. As a 5000-person company that serves medical professionals around the globe, iMedX provides medical transcription and coding services, consulting, training, and data analytics. 

The Challenge

iMedX had built its own basic online learning platform, but they weren’t getting what it needed out of it. The system required a tremendous amount of hands-on management and continual maintenance. iMedX spent hundreds of man-hours each year monitoring exam completions, hand-generating certifications, and struggling with reporting.

Neither the trainers nor the users were able to review question-level details. Users couldn’t see which questions were answered incorrectly, or what the correct answers were. “One of our biggest concerns with the online learning at that time was when we had a user take a quiz or an exam; we wanted them to be able to see question-level details,” said Rachel Jorgensen, iMedX Coding Support Manager. “We didn’t just want them to see a score at the end; we wanted them to see the correct answers for every question.”

“Not only are the learners getting more out of their training, but the education team can now know which questions may have something wrong with them.” - Rachel Jorgensen, iMedX Coding Support Manager

The Solution 

iMedX needed a SCORM-compliant solution that would eliminate wasted time and provide highly customizable reporting options and expert support. They compared several options—Lambda Learn and support flexible reporting stood out from the crowd.

Lambda Learn reporting capabilities provided the question-level details iMedX had been struggling to access. Now users and trainers can easily review each question, and users can see all the correct answers. “Being able to do that in Lambda Learn was one of our biggest achievements—giving that level of detail,” Rachel said. “Not only are the learners getting more out of their training, but the education team can now know which questions may have something wrong with them.” Lambda Learn reports also make it easy to see how long each user is spending on a course, which has created opportunities for intervention and troubleshooting. 

Rachel says the Lambda Support Team made implementation smooth and easy. iMedX was using some third-party plugins that created issues, but Lambda support identified the problem and helped iMedX to resolve them quickly. “The experience with the support team has been amazing,” she said. “I never had to sit and wait on them. Usually the Lambda support team was waiting to hear back from me! I really appreciate that.”

The Results

Greater ROI

Lambda Learn saves about 800 hours per year on webinar exams. Previously, Rachel manually administered each exam by email, created certificates, and sent them out. Lambda Learn makes automating every aspect of the exam possible.

Deeper Reporting Insights

Lambda Learn customizations enabled administrators and users to view question-level data that had been completely inaccessible before. Reports shed greater light on learner activity and performance.

Improved Business Results

Lambda Learn reporting enables trainees to learn from their mistakes, while trainers can view performance data and time spent on courses to improve exams and course design. iMedX employees benefit from continual improvement, better instruction, and a more successful certification process.

Better User Experience

Trainers and administrators are enjoying Lambda Learn automation and flexibility. iMedX can easily make its own customizations without relying on an outside support team. Trainees benefit from self-registration, easy navigation, and post-examination learning.

Unparalleled Support

iMedX had been disappointed with the support they received from other vendors, and Rachel cited quality of support as a deciding factor in choosing Lambda. “Your support is very timely,” she said. “If your team doesn’t have an answer, they are very good about doing everything they can to get it.” 

“The experience with the support team has been amazing. I never had to sit and wait on them. Usually the Lambda support team was waiting to hear back from me! I really appreciate that.” - Rachel Jorgensen, iMedX Coding Support Manager