Case Study

[UPDATED] HPHA Recovers Hundreds Of Hours Annually With Lambda Learn And Zoola

Written by admin | Jul 28, 2019 4:09:48 AM


  • Customer’s Business: Healthcare system comprised of partner hospitals in Ontario, Canada
  • Opportunity: HPHA was using an LMS platform that required too much hands-on maintenance and provided too little reporting capabilities 
  • Solution: Lambda Learn LMS and Zoola Analytics 
  • Results: Dependable LMS that provides richer learning experiences and flexible reporting solutions 

About HPHA

Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance (HPHA) is a health system of four partner hospitals in Ontario, Canada. Created in 2003, the organization is a voluntary alliance organized under a single governance and staff structure. HPHA is known for their commitment to safe, high-quality patient care. 

The Challenge 

HPHA was using an LMS platform that required more hands-on work than they had expected. The reporting capabilities were minimal and were unable to provide the depth of information HPHA needed. Administrators had to run several reports at a time and manually combine the data into a single spreadsheet. Several government bodies required scheduled reporting and it could take hours to gather the information for each report. 

HPHA also found several courses suddenly disappearing from the system. “We would put a course into the system, people would start to use it, then it would just disappear,” said Kathy Powers, Corporate Lead, Training & Development at HPHA. “The LMS support team couldn’t explain why.”

“We would put a course into the system, people would start to use it, then it would just disappear.” - Kathy Powers, Corporate Lead, Training & Development

The Solution

After receiving a round of government funding, the alliance began searching for a better LMS. HPHA was looking for a Moodle-based platform with exceptional reporting capabilities—preferably from a Canadian company. Lambda’s combination of Lambda Learn  and Zoola Analytics offered a robust system with the reporting flexibility they needed—and hands-on support they hadn’t had before. 

The difference was clear from Day One. Lambda Learn custom learning options now make it possible to create engaging and interactive learning experiences. HPHA has incorporated their social media feeds, upcoming calendar of courses, announcements, and links to multimedia. “I can do more with the classes when I create them,” Kathy said. “It’s not just reading a PDF and answering two questions. I can make learning more interactive, especially some of the topics that aren’t as interesting as others.” 

She is also happy with the advanced reporting capabilities they enjoy. Managers have immediate access to customized information about their employees’ certification progress. Kathy no longer spends hours pulling information for managers, because they have it handy on their own dashboards. 

Zoola’s reporting makes it easy to track mandatory training. Because everyone in the organization must complete the training, reporting used to take half a day’s work. Kathy ran certification reports weekly for most of the year, then daily as the deadline approached. Zoola makes it possible to collect the information in a matter of seconds, saving her hundreds of hours per year. 

Kathy credits Lambda Solutions for ensuring the onboarding process was smooth and worry-free. “The support team always got back to us quickly,” Kathy said. “They don’t leave you without an answer. I’ve had a couple issues when I didn’t understand something, and Support would call me, walk me through it, and explain it—very thorough.”

The Results 

Robust Platform

HPHA is confident in the powerful capabilities of their LMS; the worry is gone. There are no more disappearing courses, no need recreating courses, or waiting for support to try to explain what happened. Course creation, maintenance and reporting is much more efficient and wasted efforts are a thing of the past. 

“I can do more with the classes when I create them. It’s not just reading a PDF and answering two questions. I can make learning more interesting, especially some of the topics that aren’t as interesting as others. Making it interactive has helped tremendously.” - Kathy Powers, Corporate Lead, Training & Development

User-friendly Experience

HPHA has a site that’s easy to use and looks professional. Staff love the easy-to-use navigation. The Record of Learning notification is especially popular, because they always know if they’ve been assigned a learning To-Do, and they can easily see what is required. 

Learning is individualized as well. Each user can have their own defined learning path. By using audience mapping, learners only see the content that’s relevant to their own learning. 

Powerful Reporting Capabilities

Customized reporting allows managers to run reports and see the completion statuses at a glance. Automatic cadence reminders help to ensure each employee is in compliance with training requirements. 

HPHA evaluated several LMS solutions, but Lambda’s Zoola Analytics was far and away the best reporting solution they found. In choosing an LMS, “the kicker was Zoola Analytics because [with it] the possibilities are limitless,” Kathy said. 

Easy Compliance Tracking

With the certifications in the system and proper reporting, it’s immediately clear who has completed certification and who hasn’t. If someone hasn’t completed certification, they can’t report to work. This helps ensure compliance 100% of the time. 

Dedicated Support Team 

HPHA uses Lambda’s Unlimited Support package, which gives peace of mind that they will be well-taken care of. “It’s nice knowing I don’t have to nickel-and-dime my questions,” Kathy said. “Probably the number one feature is your support team.”

“The support team always got back to us quickly. They don’t leave you without an answer. I’ve had a couple issues when I didn’t understand something, and Support would call me, walk me through it, and explain it—very thorough.” - Kathy Powers, Corporate Lead, Training & Development